Pantherswood - Nursery & Reception
Introduction to Pantherswood Curriculum
Spring learning
How tall is your sleepy daffodil? Pantherswood measured using cubes and recorded their results. Some daffodils were 25 cubes high!

Pantherswood were listening to rhymes and finding some of their own rhymes, a very important part of early reading. How many rhymes can you make with the word Essendon!
Autumn learning

Our Harvest sketching

Police Officers helped Pantherswood investigate what had happened to the Gingerbread Man!

The Gingerbread Man has sent Pantherswood a package from London, he is on his travels. I wonder where he will go next?

We were very excited to have the farm visiting us at school this week. We were able to hold guinea pigs, feed the goats, look at the chickens and pig and brush the pony. It was a lovely morning and generated amazing discussion and great writing.