Attendance, Absence & Punctuality
At Essendon, we believe that good attendance at school is of the greatest importance in securing the best possible outcomes for children, and as such, we take pupil's attendance very seriously.
Punctuality is important at Essendon. Doors open between 8.40 and 8.50 am. School doors are closed at 8.50 am and any child arriving after 8:50 am will be marked as late. The school days ends at 3:15pm
Daily attendance at school is a legal requirement. We ask that parents notify us by phonecall or e mail if a child is to be absent and we ask for a reason to explain the absence. We need to be informed on a daily basis of continued absence.
All reason for absence are recorded and reported to the school Attendance Officer. Permission must be sought from the Headteacher for all planned periods of absence. An unacceptable level of absenteeism could result in legal action being taken by the authority. We strongly discourage holidays in term time and except in exceptional circumstances all absence will be unauthorised.
Detailed information on the school's approaches to securing good attendance can be found in our Attendance Policy in the "Policies" section of this website.