Sports Premium
What is Sports Premium?
The PE and sport premium is a government funding initiative designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.
How much funding does Essendon receive?
At Essendon, this year we received £16,750.
How is the Sports Premium funding deployed at Essendon?
At Essendon, we believe that every pupil is entitled to be healthy and to learn key skills to prepare them for competitive and healthy sports later in life. We also believe in building team spirit and promoting positive behaviour through physical play. We look for opportunities for pupils to broaden their horizons and increase their curiosity by trying new experiences. Finally, we want to develop sporting habits in school which are easy for pupils to enjoy out of school – inexpensive, not resource or equipment intensive and possible to do anywhere, anytime alone or with friends.
What do our stakeholders want from our sports Premium spend?
We asked pupils, staff and families what they wanted to help to promote physically active and healthy lifestyles.
Pupils told us that they wanted more to do at playtime and lunchtime.
Staff observed that our pupils would benefit from opportunities to develop their teamwork.
Pupils and families told us they wanted more competitive sporting opportunities.
Pupils and parents wanted a range of different sporting activities available as after school clubs.
Staff and parents believe our pupils benefit from regular exercise which becomes a habit which pupils will retain in later life.
You can read more about how we have used our funding in detail including the impact of the deployment in the attached report.
Sports Premium: evidencing the impact report 2023-2024